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Suffragists wore yellow roses 

to distinguish themselves 

from anti-suffragists

who wore red roses.


Women's Equality Day 2024


Thursday, August 22, 2024

to ALL who sponsored or attended our celebration
and/or participated in the Silent Auction!



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Our 2024 Women's Equality Day celebration welcomed Marion Underwood, CSU Provost and Executive Vice President.


Women's Equality Day 2024 Honorees

The Women's Equality Day Award recognizes outstanding Larimer County women for their —

  • Efforts to expand and protect voting rights of all eligible voters
  • Work to empower women to reach their full potential
  • Create an environment where gender doesn't limit opportunity

Joy Sullivan, President and CEO of United Way of Larimer County

Gretchen Haley, Senior Minister at Foothills Unitarian Church

League Legacy 2024 Award Honoree


Recognition of a League member for their efforts to —

  • Meet the goals of the League of Women Voters
  • Encourage informed and active participation in government
  • Work to increase understanding of major public policy issues
  • Influence public policy through education and advocacy
  • Promote DEI in principle and practice

Beth DeHaven, League of Women Voters of Larimer County

Beth will receive the League Legacy award for her work to educate and advocate to 

increase our community’s understanding and influence policy issues on gun violence 


WED 2024 - LarimerCtyProclamation

Reading of WED Proclamation by Larimer County Commissioners John Kefalas, Kristen Stephens, and Jody Shaddock-McNally. Representatives of the league attended.

Larimer County 2024 Women's Equality Day Proclamations

The following Larimer County communities read proclamations at their August Council/Board meetings celebrating Women's Equality Day, which commemorates the 1920 ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution granting women the right to vote.

- Johnstown 

- Windsor 
- Timnath
- Berthoud
- Fort Collins
- Loveland
- Larimer County Board of County Commissioners 


Proclamation for Women's Right to Vote and Equality Day, August 26, 2024

WHEREAS, on August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Consitution gave most women the right to vote; and

WHEREAS, in 1893 Colorado had already secured the right to vote for women; and

WHEREAS, on this 104th anniversary of the 19th Amendment and the 131st anniversary of the right of women to vote in Colorado, we celebrate the progress that has been made towards guaranteeing the right to participate in our democracy regardless of gender; and

WHEREAS, in 2022 nationally 84.4% of women were registered to vote compared to 77% of men, and 82.2 million women voted during the 2020 presidential election compared to 72.5 million men; and

WHEREAS, Colorado is ranked 3rd in the nation for percentage of legislators that are women, averaging 43.4% since 2014; and

WHEREAS, only 26 statewide officers elected in Colorado have been women, and 12 of the 26 served only as Superintendent of Public Instruction until 1950; and

WHEREAS, only 33% of current County Commissioners are women out of 220 who hold office; and

WHEREAS, we recognize the work that still needs to be done to overcome the gender in quality that affects women's representation in elected office and leadership across both public and private sectors; and

WHEREAS, the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics reports that Colorado women earned 87 cents for every dollar a man earned in 2022; and

WHEREAS, Larimer County women continue to face disproportionate challenges to economic prospects, affordable and accessible health care, and safety; and

WHEREAS, Larimer County women still struggle to achieve economic security for themselves and their families due to lack of affordable and accessible childcare and unequal pay; and

, today we recognize the accomplishments that so many women fought so hard to achieve, and rededicate ourselves to tackling the challenges that remain and expanding opportunity and representation for women and girls in Larimer County and Colorado; and

NOW, THEREFORE, we, the Board of County Commissioners for Larimer County, do hereby proclaim the 26th of August as "Women's Equality Day" encouraging equity, access, and opportunity of women's work for democracy.

Dated this 13th day of August, 2024


John Kefalas, Chair

Thank you to our sponsors!

